[alus_section_title title=”Sport Ab12″ style=”default” subtitle_des=”Product designers use their design skills and technical knowledge to improve the way that existing products work and look, and/or produce them at a lower cost.” font_size_title=”36″ font_weight_title=”600″]
[alus_image_hotspot img=”3943″][alus_hotspot hotspot_type=”text” hotspot_dropdown_side=”right” text_dots=”Fabric” hotspot=”77.469||58.382″]


Cotton fabrics are used for all types of creations. You can use cotton to create different kind of clothes

[/alus_hotspot][alus_hotspot hotspot_type=”text” text_dots=”Tanning” hotspot=”8.951||48.971″]


Cotton fabrics are used for all types of creations. You can use cotton to create different kind of clothes

[/alus_hotspot][alus_hotspot hotspot_type=”text” text_dots=”Rubber” hotspot=”35.494||68.235″]

Synthetic Rubber

Cotton fabrics are used for all types of creations. You can use cotton to create different kind of clothes


[alus_section_title title=”Technology Shoes” style=”default” font_size_title=”36″]

Product designers use their design skills and technical knowledge to improve the way that existing products work and look, and/or produce them at a lower cost.

– Adidas Shoes

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[alus_team_member image=”2169″ style_img=”circle” name=”John Vansidla” title=”Designer” link=”#” facebook=”#” twitter=”#” instagram=”#”][/alus_team_member]

Product designers use their design skills and technical knowledge to improve the way that existing products work and look, and/or produce them at a lower cost. They may also be involved in designing entirely new products.Product designers design most things we use in our day-to-day lives, from shoes and cutlery.

[alus_section_title title=”Choose your color” style=”default” font_size_title=”36″ font_weight_title=”600″]
[alus_images_gallery images=”3899,3900,3901,3902,3904″ image_size=”full” layout=”slider” nav=”1″ autoplay=”1″ action=”lightbox”][/alus_images_gallery]
[alus_button text=”Buy Now Only $60.00″ text_color=”dark” text_tranform=”inherit” style=”underline” size=”larger” icon=”fa-long-arrow-right” link=”url:%23|||” extra_class=”center-button”]
[alus_feature icon_style=”image” img_id=”3584″ title=”Free Sshipping” excerpt=”Product designers use their design skills and technical knowledge to improve the way that existing products work and look!” link=”#”]
[alus_feature icon_style=”image” img_id=”3587″ title=”Payment Online” excerpt=”Product designers use their design skills and technical knowledge to improve the way that existing products work and look!” link=”#”]
[alus_feature icon_style=”image” img_id=”3586″ title=”Support 24/7″ excerpt=”Product designers use their design skills and technical knowledge to improve the way that existing products work and look!” link=”#”]